news&views Winter 2017 | Page 6

Marilyn Bossert Responds to a Proust Questionnaire

1 . What do you appreciate most in your friends ?
Honesty , a positive outlook , and a sense of humour are the traits I most appreciate in all my associates , whether they be my friends , family or acquaintances .
2 . What is your idea of happiness ?
Happiness for me is family time . We have a family of four , but the reality of living in a rural community is that once young people leave home to attend university , they must go where their careers lead them . Currently , our family ( which has expanded with significant others , grandchildren and multiple pets ) can be found in Edmonton , Calgary and Canmore . Due to distances , career obligations , and family commitments , our time together is limited so is very precious to me .
3 . Which talent would you most like to have ?
I would love to have musical talent that would have allowed me to play the piano and / or guitar .
As it is , all I can play is my car radio or my wireless sound system , which has been known to give me grief .
4 . What is your most treasured possession ?
Currently , my most treasured possession is my sewing machine . Whenever time allows , I can be found in my sewing room , creating another quilt that will most likely go to one of my family members , or perhaps working on one of my UFOs ( quilting term for an unfinished quilting project ).
5 . What is your favourite place in Canada ?
Although Ken and I have enjoyed travelling both in and out of Canada , home is my favourite place . We love the lifestyle that goes with country living — a productive garden , hummingbirds challenging one another at the feeder , deer trimming the carrot tops in the garden and flocks of geese flying overhead . Even in winter on a cold , stormy day , home is a wonderful place to be as we make homemade soup , curl up with a good book or watch Netflix . �
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