news&views Winter 2017 | Page 5



The Journey Begins


The adjournment of the ARTA 2017 AGM marked the beginning of my journey as ARTA president . My initial sentiments were comparable to my first day of moving to the ‘ big ’ school in Grade 7 — anticipation for the privilege of playing a role in the future in ARTA , but a touch of anxiety for the undisclosed .

Those same sentiments may also be experienced by new retirees . The prospect of freedom from the work force is very appealing , but there may also be that element of apprehension .
To our new ARTA members , we welcome you , and we would bring your attention to our ARTA mission statement : ARTA supports an engaged lifestyle after retirement through member-centred services , advocacy , communication , wellness and leadership . ARTA was established in 1963 , a time when many of us were only vaguely aware of the concept of retirement . We are truly grateful to the group of visionaries who established this provincewide , non-profit organization .
What draws most members to ARTA is our group Retiree Benefits Plan , initiated in 1995 . Our ARTA Health Benefits committees over the years have worked diligently to keep the plan viable and the preferred choice of the members .
When we take ownership of our own health and wellness , we increase the odds of enjoying that engaged lifestyle and , at the same time , do our part in sustaining our benefits plan .
“ The Concept of Wellness ” compiled by our ARTA Wellness Committee in the 2016 autumn issue of news & views ( arta . net / newsviews-fall-2016 ) defines wellness as “ an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life … a state of complete physical , mental , and social well-being , and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity .”
That same article shares the “ Six Dimensions of Wellness ” model developed by Dr . Bill Hettler , cofounder of the US National Wellness Institute : ( 1 ) intellectual wellness — lifelong learning , ( 2 ) social wellness — connecting and communicating , ( 3 ) emotional wellness — optimistic attitude toward life , ( 4 ) economic wellness — financial awareness , ( 5 ) spiritual wellness — discovery of the meaning and purpose in life , and ( 6 ) physical wellness — maintaining good health practices .
Within each issue of our news & views magazine , readers can anticipate wellness submissions from our ARTA Wellness Committee , our ARTA Pension and Financial Wellness Committee , and guest writers such as Gerhard Sawatzky ( financial ) and Peggy McDonagh ( spirituality and wellness ).
My wish to all ARTA members , both new and seasoned , is that you may maintain your wellness so that you enjoy your engaged lifestyle after retirement . This can be the ideal time to explore all of life ’ s opportunities that were not possible while we were working .
Before I conclude my first president ’ s message , I want to express my appreciation to outgoing Past President Gordon Cumming for everything he has done for ARTA . His words of wisdom , his insight and his wonderful sense of humour will be missed .
My journey has begun . � news & views WINTER 2017 | 5