news&views Winter 2017 | Page 7



Here We Grow Again

DANIEL MULLOY | CEO and Executive Director , ARTA
“ Without continual growth and progress , such words as improvement , achievement , and success have no meaning .”

With another successful year behind us , we continue to drive our business forward and are well on the way to achieving our strategic goals .

From the new programs and initiatives that have been created by our board and committees to the contributions of our dedicated partners and staff , our mission of supporting an engaged lifestyle after retirement through membercentred services , advocacy , communication , wellness and organizational excellence is becoming more of a reality .
Many thanks to all of the board and committee members as well as the staff for their valuable contributions over the past year .
Some of the highlights from the past year include the following :
• 8.89 % membership growth
• 11.90 % growth in the ARTA Retiree Benefits Plan
• A strong financial position
• An engaged membership ( 66 % of our members access the ARTA website on a regular basis )
More details can be found in the 2016 – 2017 ARTA Annual Report on the arta . net website .
At the time the annual report was written , ARTA ’ s membership was 19,958 ; today I am proud to announce that we have welcomed our 20,000th member and we grow stronger every day .
With such a large and diverse membership , it becomes imperative that ARTA continues to progress toward its strategic goals , helping to ensure that all of our members can enjoy an engaged lifestyle in retirement . �


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