news&views Winter 2016 | Page 27

Calvin W . Howard

($ 5000 ARTA – TW Insurance Degree Scholarship )
I am overjoyed to be selected for the ARTA – TW Insurance Degree Scholarship . Not only will this money help me fund my final year at university , but it will also help me save for the long and costly road of medical schooling . The best part about this award is the recognition that what I have been working to accomplish is noteworthy . It fills me with confidence to keep moving forward and to have pride in what I have achieved . It is fantastic that there are organizations such as the Alberta Retired Teachers ’ Association that provide such encouraging awards to youth in Alberta .
This money will help me continue striving for what I would like to achieve , which is to become a physician-researcher . I would like to help the ill in hospital settings as a doctor while also conducting research in the advanced field of neuroprosthetics to give amputees properly working limbs again .
Thank you so much .

Avery B . Nielson

($ 3000 ARTA – TW Insurance Degree Scholarship )
I would like to thank the Alberta Retired Teachers ' Association for selecting me to be a recipient of the ARTA – TW Insurance Degree Scholarship . I am grateful to ARTA for providing the funds to allow me to enhance my career in the field of science . Receiving this scholarship means a lot to me as it will help relieve the financial pressures of going to school and allow me to focus on my studies , while continuing to be involved in the community . I feel very honoured to have been selected .
I am currently completing my second year of a Bachelor of Science degree at Red Deer College . After completing my degree , I plan to apply for medical school to work towards my goal of becoming a doctor . I am looking forward to entering a profession in which I will be able to combine my passion for science and my love of helping others . news & views WINTER 2016 | 27