Gerald Filipski
Xeriscaping for Containers
Container gardening allows you to create a garden where you didn ’ t think one could exist . Almost every type of gardening that one can do in a normal garden setting can be duplicated in the container garden . This includes such things as perennial gardening , growing shrubs and trees , and even xeriscaping . Xeriscaping is gardening that chooses plants that are suited for the conditions and a type of gardening that will require very little supplemental watering . Water conservation is part of the ‘ Going Green ’ gardening movement . The bonus with this type of gardening is that it is not only environmentally friendly but is also one of the lowest maintenance forms of gardening available to condo or small-space gardeners . Xeriscaping offers a means of gardening with water conservation that is a step above .
If you have any experience with container gardening , you may be wondering how xeriscaping is possible because we all know how quickly containers will dry out on hot summer days . While it is true that xeriscape container gardening comes with its own unique set of challenges , there are tips for making the garden successful . These tips include the following :
• Choose the right plants for the right conditions . Choosing plants that are not wellsuited to growing with little water defeats the project before it even gets started . Do your homework and choose plants that will do well without the extra water .
• Amend the potting mix by adding organic matter such as compost to the mix itself . Also , consider adding water retaining crystals ( hydrogels ). Making the mix as nutrient rich and water retentive as possible will help with the diminishing of supplemental watering .
• Group the plants according to their requirements . Plants with similar requirements should be in the same group . This is one method of reducing water waste . Think ahead to the type
of garden you want . If the plants you would like to use need some shading from the direct sun , consider adding a trellis or screen .
• Water efficiently . Consider using a drip irrigation system that minimizes loss of water to the atmosphere . Traditional watering methods result in spillage and evaporation . Drip irrigation is very effective at delivering the water directly to the root area . This helps eliminate evaporation and runoff .
• Mulch ! Mulch ! Mulch ! The use of organic mulch such as compost mulch will help in many ways . A 5 to 7.5 cm layer will help keep the soil moist , will feed the soil with nutrients , and keep the soil temperature cooler . Container gardening in a sunny location always has to contend with the problem of increased soil temperatures . A distance of 2.5 cm below the layer of mulch the temperature can be as much as 10 ° C lower than soil without the mulch layer .
• Weed regularly . Weeds can steal nutrients and valuable water from other plants . Do not overfertilize as this can promote spindly growth that requires extra water .
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