Here are some examples of plants suited for container xeriscaping .
Ornamental Grasses Grasses are very well-suited to xeriscaping as many are naturally drought tolerant .
• Fountain grass ( Pennisetum setaceum ) — An annual grass in our climate . Noted for its long lasting , fuzzy flower spikes . Grows from 60 to 90 cm tall .
• Tufted fescue ( Festuca amethystine ) — An annual blue-grey accent plant with tan coloured flower spikes in late summer . Grows to 30 cm tall . Has a unique tufted appearance .
• Ribbon grass ( Phalaris arundinacea ‘ Picta ’) — An old variety that still looks great . It has cream and green variegated spiky leaves . Grows to 75 cm tall .
Annual Flowers
• Sunflowers — Come in many varieties and many sizes . Dwarf forms grow to 30 cm tall while the giants can reach up to 3 m . Single or multiple flower heads grow on cultivars .
• Portulaca — This succulent can take even the most severe periods of drought and can act as a ground cover . Plants tend to stay short — around 20 cm tall . It has sparkling flowers in bright and pastel colours in single or double forms .
• Celosia or cockscomb — Feathery flowers come in many colours , and can grow from 15 to 40 cm tall .
• Morning Glory ( Ipomea tricolor ) — Yes , even a vine as gorgeous as the morning glory is drought tolerant and suitable for xeriscaping . One of my favourite plants for its constantly changing colours . The blue variety opens in a gentian blue and the colour fades during the day from blue to pink . Vines can grow 2 to 3 m tall . Comes in blue , red , pink and white .
Try combinations of grasses and annuals for some stunning effects . For example , ribbon grass with an underplanting of portulaca looks terrific . The portulaca can be allowed to tumble over the side of a container adding even more colour to the container . Try Teddy Bear sunflowers with tufted fescue . The blue of the grass is a perfect backdrop to the emerald green leaves of this sunflower .
Little water , little work once planted , and a great look . What more can you ask for in a gardening method ?
Gerald Filipski , a member of the Garden Writers Association of America , has been a gardening columnist for the Edmonton Journal for over thirty years . In his last column for news & views he coached us in growing our own . He hopes you have transplanted your own sprouts from window sill to outdoors . news & views SUMMER 2021 | 23