Pension and Financial Advisory Committee
Strategic Planning Committee
Pension and Financial Advisory Committee
Six elected members , plus two ex officio members representing the ARTA president and executive director comprise the Pension and Financial Advisory committee . Three-year terms are staggered to ensure continuity of committee work .
Historically , the Board of Directors tasked this committee with investigating issues related to pensions or other matters believed to require Board attention . Over the past two years , the committee ’ s focus has expanded . ARTA conducted a wellness needs survey , and when the results were tabulated , issues dealing with all aspects of financial wellness were found to be in the forefront of members ’ interest . As a result , the committee has undertaken several new initiatives .
We have purchased several books dealing with topics such as estate planning and wills , and have placed these in the ATA Library at Barnett House in Edmonton . Retired teachers are lifelong ATA members , so ARTA members can contact the ATA library to borrow these items . Mailing costs are covered by the ATA library .
We have conducted one ‘ financial wellness ’ session and are planning more . ARTA branch presidents could apply for some funds to hold such sessions in their local area . Topics of interest could include money management , investing or financial planning — the branch picks the areas of interest . Several branches have already offered a variety of such workshops in their areas .
We have begun to add articles of interest to the Pension and Financial Advisory tab of the ARTA website , and more are planned for the future .
Each year at least one position on this committee becomes available . If you are interested in joining us , please talk to your local branch president about coming to the Annual General Meeting and having your name put forward .
Strategic Planning Committee
The Strategic Planning Committee ( SPC ) is made up of three members elected from the ARTA membership , ARTA officers ( president , past president , vice president and treasurer ) and the executive director or designate as ex officio members .
Each member elected from the ARTA membership serves a three-year term . The terms of the members are staggered to maintain continuity . The chair is elected by the committee and becomes a member of the Board of Directors .
The SPC is charged with planning the orientations for new branch presidents and incoming committee chairs . The SPC is also given the task of planning the orientation of new committee members elected at the Annual General Meeting ( AGM ). It is also responsible for maintaining and updating the orientation handbook for new board and committee members .
The SPC is asked to generate the annual ARTA business plan , which evolves from committee business plan submissions and a
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