COMMITTEES joint meeting of the SPC and committee chairs . The objective is to avoid overlap of committee initiatives . The final ARTA business plan is then submitted to the ARTA Board of Directors . A joint meeting of the SPC and committee chairs is also held immediately after the AGM to review the business plan with new committee chairs .
Wellness Committee
COMMITTEES joint meeting of the SPC and committee chairs . The objective is to avoid overlap of committee initiatives . The final ARTA business plan is then submitted to the ARTA Board of Directors . A joint meeting of the SPC and committee chairs is also held immediately after the AGM to review the business plan with new committee chairs .
The SPC is asked to review the ARTA strategic plan , goals and outcomes every year . Performance measurements are under development to provide more reliable information for assessing the outcomes of the business plan .
Finally , the SPC , at the direction of the ARTA Board of Directors , may plan a retreat .
Wellness Committee
The Wellness Committee ’ s goal is to encourage our members to be proactive in regard to their health . Start where you are , use what you have and do what you can to keep your mind , body and spirit the best it can be .
One of the committee aims is to provide financial support to branches for wellness projects and education . Towards this end , this year we are sponsoring ARTA ’ s third annual walk-athon . Thirty pedometers will go to each of eighteen branches with the challenge to see how many steps they can walk in their best thirty days from April 1 to June 30 .
As well , two representatives from each branch were invited to a two-day conference in Red Deer to help develop the Council on Senior Citizens ’ Organizations ( COSCO ) workshops and other resources in their home branch . This year the committee are excited about the Inbody machine clinics that will be coming to branch locations to help members further identify specific lifestyle goals .
Committee members attend conferences on wellness in an effort to ensure currency of the research and wellness initiatives by other senior organizations . The ARTA Wellness committee has a membership in ICAA ( International Council on Active Aging ) that provides research and reviews of literature about wellness .
The committee is comprised of four members , each elected at the Annual General Meeting for one four-year term , with staggered terms to maintain continuity . There are also two ex officio members : ARTA ’ s president or designate and ARTA ’ s executive director or designate . The chair is elected by the committee and becomes a member of the Board of Directors . The committee meets as required at the call of the chair .
news & views SUMMER 2015 | 29