ACER-CART Moves Forward
Marilyn Bossert Vice-President and Communications Chair , ACER-CART
ACER-CART * concluded a challenging but productive year with the 2024 AGM held in Ottawa the first week of June .
In the words of president Bill Berryman , “ The organization remains a vibrant and effective voice for retired teachers and seniors at a national level in Canada .” Despite a set-back with the withdrawal of one Member organization earlier in the year , the remaining Members remain confident with the power of the voice of ACER-CART .
Every year , ACER-CART focuses on priorities evolving from issues affecting the well-being of seniors across Canada . For 2024 – 25 , “ ACER- CART will , in collaboration with like-minded organizations , develop strategies for facilitating ageing at home .” A public health care system that prioritizes appropriately supported care is necessary to allow seniors to remain in their own home or within their own community for as long as possible .
The work is currently with the Health Services Committee who will short-list the essentials of “ ageing in place ” for an information document that will assist with the advocating process .
* ACER-CART L ’ Association Canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants retraités – Canadian Association of Retired Teachers
In the past six months , ACER-CART has acted on two issues :
• President Berryman composed three messages in support of Bill C-64 , An Act Respecting Pharmacare , a bill that is currently under consideration in committee in the Senate . Those messages and a Call to Action can be found at acer-cart . org . ARTA members can visit the ARTA website for more information on the situation in Alberta along with a Call to Action : arta . net / posts / general-interest / a-long-awaited-canadianpharmacare-plan .
• Canadians welcomed the expansion of the Canadian Dental Care Plan but quickly realized the access rules caused unfortunate confusion and consequences , especially for seniors with low incomes . President Berryman ’ s letter to the prime minister and other major political leaders can also be found on the ACER-CART website . The Alberta premier has already announced Alberta will not be a part of the plan .
ARTA was applauded for its continuing support of ACER-CART : Gary Sawatzky for his informative presentation “ Top Trends in Canada Affecting Benefit Plans ,” Tony Esteves for his work with the Communications Committee , and CEO Daniel Mulloy for making it happen .
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