news&views Autumn 2024 | Page 19

Summer wanes ; temperatures decline . Parisians return from vacation to be greeted by a city bathed in a golden hue .

Seasonal Gold

Seasonal Gold , 2017 Left Bank , Seine , Paris Watercolour on paper 31 x 41 cm
Hiroshi Shimazaki
Summer wanes ; temperatures decline . Parisians return from vacation to be greeted by a city bathed in a golden hue .
Cultural events abound and warming street food tempts tourists and locals alike . In 2017 , I experienced this scene . Two years later , a fire at Notre-Dame de Paris destroyed much of the roof , causing the collapse of its spire . Five years on , reopening of the renovated cathedral is scheduled about Christmas time this year .
ARTA member Hiroshi Shimazaki is a geographer / artist who has been practicing watercolour landscape sketching and painting for sixty years . Here he offers one window into an artist ’ s mind .
AUTUMN 2024 | 19