news&views Autumn 2023 | Page 44

P e r i p h e r a l N e u r o p a t h y B r e a k t h r o u g h !

“ My feet feel like they ’ re on fire .” “ Each step feels like I ’ m walking through wet paint .” “ I live in constant fear that I ’ ll fall .” “ I can ' t sleep , my hands and feet tingle all night .”
What do all of these people have in common ? They suffer from peripheral neuropathy . It ’ s estimated that thousands of people in Canada have peripheral neuropathy .
Dr . Melanie Morrill Ac . of Accessible Acupuncture in Edmonton , AB suspects there are even more . “ I ’ ve been treating neuropathy , in all its various forms , for over five years and so often my patients come to me because of the symptoms , not because of a diagnosis . They read the testimonial of another patient and say to themselves ‘ hey , I feel the same thing ’.”
Shirley of Downtown Edmonton testified to this . “ I remember my husband driving me to my consultation and I saw a woman running just outside our neighbourhood . I was so envious - I just kept thinking ‘ I would give anything just to walk again ’. My primary care doctor told me my troubles with pain and balance were just symptoms of old age . I was so depressed .”
Fortunately , Shirley would eventually see Dr . Melanie Morrill Ac . on the local news talking about similar symptoms and how she offers a real solution at Accessible Acupuncture . “ I just knew I had to see her . She was my last hope .”
“ Almost all of our patients come to us with a story similar to Shirley ’ s . They ’ ve been everywhere else . They ’ ve been told there ’ s no hope . They ’ ve been told ‘ it ’ s just part of getting older .” shares Kelly , a Patient Care Coordinator at Accessible Acupuncture . “ It just breaks my heart but I know how much we can help people like Shirley so I ’ m always so happy when they walk through our door .”
A lack of blood flow results in a lack of nutrients ; the nerves then begin to degenerate and die which causes pain ranging from discomfort to debilitating . Because neuropathy is a degenerative condition , once those nerves begin to deteriorate they will continue to do so until they are completely expired , leaving those suffering with crippling balance issues . “ In this case , the absence of pain is not necessarily a good thing .” shares Dr . Melanie Morrill Ac . “ This usually indicates that your nerves are hanging on by a fragile thread .”
How exactly is Dr . Melanie Morrill Ac . able to reverse the effects of this degenerative disease ? “ Acupuncture has been used to increase blood flow for thousands of years which helps to get the necessary nutrients to the affected nerves . But the real magic happens when I integrate ATP Resonance BioTherapy . This is a technology that was originally developed by NASA to expedite recovering and healing .”
“ I just can ’ t say enough about Accessible Acupuncture ,” Shirley shared through tears of joy . “ My husband and I moved here 3 years ago and he ’ s gone to the river valley almost every day to walk . I always stayed home because of the pain and discomfort . Yesterday I walked beside the river with him ! And next week we ’ re starting square dancing again ! I am truly living life these days .”
“ According to Shirley ’ s test results , she has seen a 74 % improvement in pain and functionality , which is on par with a majority of our patients ,” Shares Kelly .
“ But more important than those test results is the joy she ’ s expressed being here and hearing about all the amazing things she ’ s able to do because she feels great !”
By seamlessly blending the ancient science of acupuncture with modern medical solutions Dr . Melanie Morrill Ac . has achieved a 90 % success rate in reversing the effects of neuropathy . She starts each patient with an initial consultation during which a sensory exam is performed .
“ This not only aids in making a proper diagnosis but it helps to define just how much nerve damage has occurred ,” tells the Doctor of Acupuncture . “ This is important because if a patient has suffered more than 95 % damage , there is little that I can do to help them . I ’ m familiar with the medical miracle but I know my limits as a practitioner and the limits of my medicine .”
When it comes to treating peripheral neuropathy , regardless of its origin , early detection greatly improves your chances of a full recovery .
If you or someone you love are suffering from chronic pain that presents as burning , tingling or ‘ pins and needles ' or you ’ ve recently been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy , it ’ s important to know that there are options .
There is hope !
Accessible Acupuncture is now accepting new patients but only for a limited time . Only 10 new neuropathy patients will be accepted in September . Call 587-879-7122 to schedule .
Those diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy often face a very grim reality ; Western medicine declares that there is no solution while most alternative therapies carry large price tags and offer little to no resolve . Which is why Dr . Melanie Morrill Ac . and the staff at Accessible Acupuncture pride themselves on being ‘ the last resort with the best results ". Peripheral neuropathy is a result of damage to the nerves and this damage is commonly caused by a lack of blood flow in the hands and feet .
P e r i p h e r a l N e u r o p a t h y ? SCHEDULE a consultation TODAY
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H Y S C e n t r e 600 , 11010 101 st NW Edmonton , AB A c c e s s i b l e A c u p u n c t u r e . c a
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