news&views Autumn 2023 | Page 45


Marilyn Bossert | ACER-CART West Representative and Communications Chair


The 32 nd ACER-CART annual general meeting was held in Ottawa on June 1 and 2 , 2023 . ACER-CART , Association Canadienne des enseignantes et des enseignants retraités — Canadian Association of Retired Teachers , is the national voice of retired teachers that advocates on behalf of all seniors .
Elected as the 2023 – 24 executive were leaders from British Columbia to Newfoundland , including Western Representative Marilyn Bossert ( Alberta ).
ACER-CART priorities continue to evolve from issues that affect the well-being of seniors in Canada .
ACER-CART will , in collaboration with like-minded organizations , 1 . Advocate for the development and implementation of the National Seniors ’ Strategy .
2 . Advocate for the federal government ’ s implementation of a national universal pharmacare program , including the establishment of a Canada Drug Agency and implementation of a national formulary .
3 . Advocate for a public health care system that prioritizes care in seniors ’ own homes for as long as possible .
4 . Advocate for public health care to combat the move toward privatization .
5 . Advocate for regulations governing retirement and long-term care homes , with an emphasis on improving patient respect , working conditions , training , and staff wages .
6 . Support members in their efforts to achieve full cost-of-living pension adjustments .
Committees with cross-Canada representation advance these priorities . ARTA representatives are Lawrence Hrycan ( Political Advocacy ), Gordon Cumming ( Pension & Retirement Income ), and Dolaine Koch ( Health Services ). Marilyn Bossert continues in her role as the chair of the Communications Committee , working with Tony Esteves ( ARTA ) to maintain the website .
Two new advocacy information sheets have been added to the website . ( 1 ) “ Long-Term Care 2022 – 23 ” provides a key message , aspects to consider , and three questions for politicians . ( 2 ) “ Aging at Home 2022 – 23 ” updates last year ’ s sheets while providing a key message and the specific aspects to consider : benefits to the system , benefits to the individual , and potential role of the government to make necessary changes . Everyone is encouraged to share this information as they speak with politicians at all levels of government .
Learn more about the work of ACER-CART with regular visits to acer-cart . org .
Results of the ACER-CART survey of Canadian Teacher Pension Plans cost-of-living arrangements are available on the website under Communications — Pension and Retirement Income .
ACER-CART recognizes the importance of a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle . Share your experiences , adventures , and the learning activities that make your life more enjoyable . Submit 500-word stories to acer-cartwebsite @ gmail . com .
A reminder : keep sharing photos of our beautiful Canadian landscape or wildlife . Submit your photos to our Canadian Photo Gallery at acer-cart . org . news & views AUTUMN 2023 | 45