news&views 2024 summer | Page 49

Another Pickler Perspective

Sheila Bean

Just one lesson can launch you into the world of pickleball .

Not only will lessons teach you the basics and help you gain advanced skills , but you can also meet a group of players at your level . Look for lessons through your provincial pickleball association , municipal recreation department , community association , or private court facility .
You might prefer to jump right into drop-in games , or offer to sub in a league . Some pickleball organizations use numbered ability levels and require you to be evaluated to play at a particular level . Others are wide open , with a mix of seasoned players and newbies . Drop-in play typically costs less than $ 10 .
Are you looking for a relaxed , forgiving , and social atmosphere ? Or is a competitive , highly athletic game with minimal chit-chat more your style ? Try a few places to find your just-right pickleball community . This game can be played year-round — outdoors at a park or indoors at a neighbourhood centre or church gym . In Calgary , at least one
volleyball hub has marked its courts for weekday pickleball ; for $ 30 , you can rent one court for an hour and invite three friends to play .
You ’ ll need a paddle , which resembles a large-scale Ping-Pong paddle , available everywhere from sports stores to Canadian Tire to Amazon , and ranging from $ 50 to $ 400 . You ’ ll also need pickleballs , which look like wiffle balls and cost about $ 12 for three . Outdoor balls have smaller holes , while indoor balls have larger holes . Starter sets , portable nets , and even DIY court-marking kits can be found in stores or online .
Last but not least , proper pickleball attire . You ’ ll play just fine in stretchy shorts and a T-shirt , but proper footwear is a must . Court shoes might set you back $ 100 .
In no time at all , you ’ ll figure out the rules and be dinking expertly while standing at the kitchen line . Pickle on !
After retiring from the Calgary Board of Education , Sheila learned to play pickleball at her neighbourhood park . The best part of the game ? Lots of new friends !
SUMMER 2024 | 49