news&views 2024 summer | Page 48


Pickleball , Anyone ?

Martin Ciesielski

What is this pickleball everyone is speaking of ?

Pickleball is an addictive racquet sport that originated as a backyard invention in the northwest United States circa the mid 1960s . It migrated to the southern states , then snowbirds brought it north to Canada . Pickleball is now the fastest growing sport in North America !
Pickleball is popular with seniors ( easy on knees and hips ) but also with
participants of all ages . This game can be as relaxed or competitive as you make it . With three pro leagues competing for television contracts and prize money tournaments , pickleball has attracted sponsorship from prominent sporting companies .
The game of pickleball is played with a hard plastic ball with holes , a net , and paddles . Somewhat a cross between tennis and table tennis , the rules and play are similar ( besides the quirky “ kitchen ” rule ). If you have any racquet sport experience , you will find a smooth transition into pickleball . Being a social game , the majority of games are played with a partner .
The court is the same size as a double badminton court ( 20 ' × 44 '), much smaller than a tennis court . The smaller court leads to less running but a quicker game . Pickleball is played on a variety of indoor and outdoor surfaces including gyms , refurbished tennis courts , hockey rinks , and even personal driveways ! Pickleball facilities are standard for resorts and RV parks in the snowbird states and Mexico .
With the wide variety of venues available year-round , entering the world of pickleball is simple . Some beginners prefer private lessons or watching YouTube videos to learn the rules of the game , but partnering up with a fellow “ pickler ” or joining a drop-in program at your local recreation centre is even better !
The rise of pickleball ’ s popularity stems from the fact that it is very social , inexpensive , healthy exercise and , ultimately , fun . The first step is to just get out there and play , but I take no responsibility for any addiction to the game that may follow .
Martin Ciesielski was a teacher with Edmonton Public Schools for thirty years . He enjoys writing in a variety of genres including travel , poetry , songwriting , and music blogging . Martin hopes this article will encourage readers to give pickleball a try !
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