news&views 2024 summer | Page 47


It ’ s Tick Season — Beware of Hitchhikers

Laurie Carmichael

Lyme disease occurs when humans are bitten by western black-legged or deer ticks infected with a bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi .

Symptoms may vary , but the most common include fever , chills , headache , fatigue , muscle and joint aches , and swollen lymph nodes , with or without a rash . Up to seventy or eighty per cent of infected people will develop a distinct red “ bull ' s-eye ” rash called erythema migrans . The rash may appear at the site of the bite within thirty days and may grow , feel warm to the touch , and be itchy .
A red " bull ' s-eye " rash
Western black-legged ticks may appear during any season , but usually in spring , summer , and early fall . The Public Health Agency of Canada monitors tick populations and has noticed a spread of the western black-legged tick to new areas . This development is thought to be due to climate change .
The 2022 data identified high-risk areas , which include the following : southern Manitoba , western and southeastern Ontario , southern Quebec , the
Maritime provinces , and southern British Columbia .
Even if you don ’ t live in these areas , you are not safe from exposure . If you travel to these areas , ticks can “ hitchhike ” home on your person or on your four-legged furry friends .
To protect yourself , take precautions in wooded or grassy areas . Wear a hat , a light-coloured longsleeved shirt , and long pants . Tuck the bottom of your pants into your socks and wear insect repellent .
Before going inside , check yourself , children , and pets . Shower and bathe as soon as possible , checking your body for ticks . Remember those hard-to-see places like your groin , belly button , and behind your ears , too !
If you find a tick , remove it as soon as possible . For information on how to remove a tick , contact Health Link 24-7 by dialing 811 , or visit MyHealth . Alberta . ca .
Wash your clothes in hot water to kill any “ unattached ticks .”
If you develop symptoms of Lyme disease , seek medical attention right away from your health-care provider .
If you find a tick on your person , your child , or your furry friend , you can submit a photograph of it to Alberta Submit-a-Tick via the eTick program .
Laurie Carmichael is a retired nurse living in Okotoks , Alberta , with her husband , Daryl . Laurie ' s article on ticks first appeared in North Okotoks Living Magazine .
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