Facts About Pet Therapy for Seniors
Walking a dog provides much-needed physical exercise , which leads to improved mobility and a healthier lifestyle overall .
The ability to have something to pet or touch can result in lower blood pressure , normal heart rate , and reduced stress .
Pets provide emotional stability during stressful situations , especially during moments of grief or loss .
Caring for a pet helps increase a senior ’ s self‐confidence and self‐esteem , making them feel useful and responsible .
Animals can help improve socialization . Pets listen without judgment and give unbiased affection , especially when a senior may desire to share the thoughts that they may not be comfortable telling family or friends .
Having an animal in a senior ’ s life can help improve their well-being and give new meaning to their life . Due to the numerous health benefits therapy animals provide , many assisted living facilities are starting to include pet therapy in their regular senior care programs . Being around animals makes people feel better , healthier , and happier .
For people with memory loss , animals can be soothing , especially fo those who have difficulty remembering language and speaking with others .
Feeding , grooming , and caring for a pet significantly helps increase seniors ’ physical skills and helps them become more active and engaged .
ARTACares is provided by HumanaCare , an Alberta-based health and wellness provider with more than thirty-five years of Canadian health care experience . For more information on health and wellness topics , webinars , and articles , visit your eldercare portal .
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