news&views Winter 2020 | Page 22


Gerald Filipski

Basil is Never Faulty

I can still recall my first encounter with fresh basil . I was doing an interview with a gardener noted for growing enormous Italian tomatoes . After the interview he graciously sent me home with several of his prized tomatoes and a sprig of basil that he was growing amongst his tomato plants . He insisted that with a little olive oil , the tomatoes and basil would make a salad I would not soon forget . I followed his instructions and was blown away by the flavour of that simple salad . I was hooked and still am .
Jekka McVicar is a horticulturist and Britain ’ s leading authority on herbs . In her book , Jekka ’ s Herb Cookbook , she speaks glowingly about basil . According to Jekka , if you are going to grow only one herb it should be basil . It is its versatility that makes it so appealing . It is known for its uses in Italian cuisine , but basil has culinary uses in a wide variety of countries including China , Vietnam , and Thailand . In addition to culinary uses , basil has medicinal properties that are still being explored . Recent studies are finding that basil can be a powerful antioxidant .
Growing basil is relatively easy if proper light and temperature conditions are met . Basil prefers at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight per day to grow best . You can get around this requirement when growing it indoors by using a grow light . Basil grows easily from seed or cuttings . It also transplants easily , so buying plants that are already growing is my personal choice to get a head start on growing basil . Growing basil from seed affords the opportunity to try all of the various types of basil that are available .
Choose a container that is plastic , cast resin , or ceramic . Avoid terra cotta because of its tendency to allow the soil to dry out too quickly . Most varieties of basil are relatively small so you won ’ t need a pot that is too large . For sweet basil , for example , there are varieties that will reach a height of forty-five centimetres , but there are also dwarf types that will only grow to fifteen centimetres in height . For the dwarf types , a twenty-centimetre pot is ample . For the larger types , a twenty-five-centimetre pot will serve best . The container should have at least one or two drainage holes in the bottom . Cover these holes with a coffee filter when adding the soil ; this is my latest gardening tip . Coffee filters do a great job of keeping the soil from plugging the drain holes while allowing the excess water to drain away .
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