news&views Winter 2020 | Page 21

Proust Questionnaire

Dew Gerow | Vice President , ARTA

Deb Gerow Responds to a Proust Questionnaire

What is your greatest regret ? In the latter years of my teaching career , I stopped doing many things that I enjoyed in order to focus on my job . As much as I loved my job , now that I am retired , I do regret sacrificing these pursuits . It seems ironic that now I have lots of time , but it is difficult to resume some of these activities .
What is your idea of happiness ?
Spending time with our family makes me happy . Every person in the family is different . Each has their own strengths and their own challenges , and each one brings joy in their own special way . The sight of one of their vehicles turning into our driveway brings a smile to my face .
How do you find meaning in life ? In my family , being involved and serving others is a family tradition . Well into his eighties , my grandfather kept busy organizing and conducting seniors ’ bus tours around North America . At the same age , my mother was responsible for the construction of a new museum in the small town where she resides .
She spent countless hours writing grant applications for funding , then planning the facility .
I , too , follow this tradition . Since I retired , I have served on the organizing committee of our local community concert series , been a member of the board of directors of a large choir , am a director of our local seniors ’ club , and , of course , been involved with the work of ARTA . Working to make a difference for others gives meaning to my life .
What is your motto ? “ Always be open to possibilities .” Following this motto can lead you to unexpected places in your life . My husband and I spent nearly a year living in India after I was offered a position as principal of a new school there . We learned so much , saw so many amazing sights , and met wonderful people because when the opportunity was offered to me , we said , “ Why not ?”
What is your favourite place in Canada ? Any spot where I can see Lake Superior is my favourite place in Canada . I grew up on the shores of this vast inland sea and I never tire of it . Whether a beautiful day when the sun sparkles on the crystal blue waters , a quiet , calm evening when the surface is like a mirror , or a cold , stormy day when huge breakers crash against the rocky shore , there is nothing like Superior . If you have never experienced this part of our country , it is a must-see destination .
news & views WINTER 2020 | 21