news&views Winter 2016 | Page 69

Because we care about those we love , we can find ourselves in situations of helping family members that can drain our energy and require major changes in our own lives .

Physical activity also provides some protection against decline in cognitive abilities and improves many chronic conditions such as diabetes , arthritis , hypertension and depression . Even people with conditions such as Parkinson ’ s disease respond favourably to a combination of drug therapy and exercise , whereas , in the past , drugs were seen as the only option .
Researchers at the Mayo Clinic suggest that caregiver depression can be prevented by following several guidelines :
• Reach out for help . If possible , involve family members and close friends in planning and providing care .
• Keep up with relationships . Caregiving can often take time away from other relationships . It is important to show loved ones and friends that you still want to be involved in their lives .
• Start a journal . Journaling improves your state of mental health by providing an outlet to express pain , anger , fear or other emotions .
• Take time for yourself . Participate in activities that allow you to relax and have fun .
• Stay positive . Caregiving allows you to give back to family members in need and to make a positive difference in their lives . For some , it may add a sense of spiritual meaning to life .
As the spouse of someone who has Parkinson ’ s disease , I would add one more tip for caregivers of someone with a chronic disease : be honest and forthright with family members and friends about the person ’ s limitations and special needs . Often , we feel reluctant to ask others to adapt to our changing needs ; but , without fail , in my own experience all our family members and friends have adapted positively to our situation . If that means that instead of dinner we plan a brunch , that is just fine .
That principle holds true with everyone who is in the position of providing care of or taking responsibility for family members in need . Trusting others with our worries and , often , the changed circumstances of our lives allows those who care about us to offer help when it is needed . Social activity and involvement with others also reduces the caregiver ’ s sense of isolation and loneliness .
Caregivers Alberta is one of several excellent organizations that provide resources for those who are in the position of taking care of others . One of the best resources that they provide on their website at caregiversalberta . ca is “ A Caregiver ’ s Bill of Rights .” It serves as an important reminder that our first priority must be to take care of ourselves . Our own emotional well-being — not to mention all the other dimensions of wellness — must be the base on which care for others is possible .
Resources National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly ( NICE ): nicenet . ca
Caregivers Alberta | Caring for Caregivers : caregiversalberta . ca
The Caregiver Network ( TCN ): thecaregivernetwork . ca
Family Caregivers of British Columbia : familycaregiversbc . ca
McMaster Optimal Aging Portal : mcmasteroptimalaging . org
news & views WINTER 2016 | 69