news&views Winter 2016 | Page 62

Casual Walker to Half Marathoner : A Wellness Story

few years ago I was encouraged to become

A more involved with our branch . As branch vice-president I realized that I should participate in such activities as the annual walking challenge . The pedometer gadgets looked interesting and I am somewhat competitive , but what a shock it was to find that my step count was much lower than retirees who were many years my senior . It was time to commit to a fitness routine . Our local Nordic pole-walking expert , Shirley Crawford , sold me a set of poles and demonstrated how to use them properly .

My routine began with planned morning Nordic walks with the pedometer attached to my belt and steps recorded on the calendar in the kitchen . The Nordic poles did not bother my shoulder that was recovering from a rotator cuff injury . In fact , my attention shifted to walking very upright and pushing back on the poles to strengthen my shoulders and abs . I was not really convinced that the poles were very effective but they certainly were not causing pain . I almost felt like an athlete-in-training with my new routines . In fact , my attempts at swimming began to show improved form .
After a year of this walking and swimming schedule I was ready for a new challenge . Consulting with my physiotherapist , I decided to try running with a running coach . For six sessions over three weeks my coach and I ran together . She tracked our pacing and was systemic in her method . After each session , my ankles hurt , my right knee was weak , and I felt pain in muscles I did not know existed ! My excitement was waning .
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