news&views Winter 2016 | Page 31

In the results of the open responses to the surveys , we often glean an enormous amount of information about you . It helps us form a demographic and psychographic profile and thereby helps us to tailor our information for you both in content and in format .
Survey answers help us shape our editorial policy and content and keep interest level high . With results from questions about gender , design and layout , and membership categories , we are able to provide articles written appropriately for most members . After this latest news & views survey , we changed our paper stock and some of the design elements within the magazine . Overall , the feedback was extremely positive and let us know we are on the right track with content , layout and design .
Although the wellness survey was conducted a few years ago , it is still helping us to shape health and wellness focuses in such areas as mental , emotional and financial wellness as well as the many physical wellness issues often encountered in the second half of our lives .
ARTA requests your participation in these surveys to ensure that we can , indeed , call ourselves the voice of retired teachers and public and private retired professionals in Alberta .
We thank you for your participation in previous surveys and give you our assurance that your future participation in ARTA surveys will continue to help to shape your association .
news & views WINTER 2016 | 31