news&views Winter 2016 | Page 30

ARTA and Surveys : We Hear You !

CHYRISSE DEKKER | Marketing Director , ARTA

The surveys that ARTA sends out occasionally are done with much thought , care and planning . We respect and value our members ’ time and opinions , and it is with this in mind that we try to limit our surveys in number and in length to ensure that only pertinent facts are gathered . When we do ask our members to complete a survey , be assured that the information asked for is of great importance and will be used to help move the association forward .

Which of the following regular features do you frequently read ?
From the President ... Contact Informatoin
Tabel of Contents Executive Director ' s ...
In My Opinion From the Branches
Partners ( AON ) Partners ( ASEBP )
Partners ( TW ) Marketing News
Privacy is strictly enforced at all times , on all communications .
We also publish the top-line results — the most important outcomes — from most of the surveys we conduct . Here is a recap of some of the interesting results from our most recent survey on ARTA ’ s magazine , news & views , conducted in January 2016 , and how we used this information to make changes and improvements to the magazine .
Which of the following topics are of interest to you ?
ARTA Benefits Plan Financial Advice Legal Information
Wellness Technology
Branch Updates Aging
End-of-Life Planning Book Reviews
Spirituality & Wellness
Money Matters
0 %
20 %
40 %
60 %
80 %
100 %
What length of article is your reading preference ?
Classified Ads
One Page
In Memoriam 0 %
20 %
40 %
60 %
80 %
100 %
Two Pages Three Pages
0 %
20 %
40 %
60 %
80 %
100 %
30 | arta . net