news&views Winter 2016 | Page 22



ARTA Volunteer Recipient : Delores Carriere


When does volunteering become a chore ? Never , it appears , for the recipient of

ARTA ’ s Volunteer Award , Delores Carriere .
Delle Lovig , MHADRTA Past President , presented the award to Delores Carriere at MHADRTA ’ s ‘ To Hell with the Bell ’ luncheon on September 7 , 2016 . Seventy members applauded Delores ’ s achievements .
Besides teaching Home Economics for thirtyeight years , Delores served her community well during that time . One of her endeavours was helping 4-H Clubs as a teacher and a mentor . Delores has also been a member of the Women of the Moose for thirty-eight years , presently serving as senior regent .
Professionally , Delores was an active member of the ATA Home Economics Specialist Council . She was and still is active in the Prairie Rose Local Council . While she is no longer president of this organization , she is MHADRTA ’ s representative to it .
After Delores retired in 2002 , she became active in ARTA ( Delores helped to create the Orientation Handbook ) and in MHADRTA . She has been vice-president and then president of the local organization . Presently , she sits on the Southeastern Alberta Teachers ’ Convention Association as our representative .
MHADRTA is proud to have presented this ARTA Volunteer Award to Delores .
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