if you don ’ t want the hassle of owning one where parking it in the off season might be an issue .
My family had a holiday trailer for many years and enjoyed numerous memorable trips in Alberta and British Columbia . When the time came to move on , we sold it easily and got a good return on our initial purchase price .
If you don ’ t want to go tenting , motor homing , or vacation trailering , there ’ s also an option to “ comfort camp ” as a fallback . You can rent cabins , teepees , wall tents , or yurts in some provincial parks or the oTENTiks in Elk Island , Banff , and Jasper National Parks — any option that brings you close to nature .
Duane Radford kindly asks all campers to be responsible and leave sites in as good or better shape than you found them .
Beaver Mines Lake cabin in Castle Provincial Park
Deadline for Entries : Friday , November 12 , 2021
Announcement of Winners : Spring issue of news & views ( March 2022 )
Entry Categories
Flash Fiction 800-word maximum
40-line maximum Any form , any subject
Travel Vignette 500-word maximum
How to Submit
Electronic entries as an attachment to an email with the subject line WRITING CONTEST to writingcontest @ arta . net .
Handwritten or typed manuscripts to Writing Contest , c / o ARTA Office , 15505 137 Avenue NW , Edmonton , AB T5V 1R9
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