Small camper vans can accommodate seniors
doesn ’ t get wet in a downpour . Mobility issues might restrict seniors from some forms of tenting but certainly not all . There ’ s no reason why ( most ) seniors can ’ t go tenting if they make plans to accommodate possible health issues of concern . I ’ d recommend that seniors use a cot to sleep on with a pad and a quality sleeping bag that ’ s rated for below zero . Frost is not uncommon in Alberta ’ s Rockies , even during the summer and especially in the spring and autumn . I ’ ve enjoyed lots of camping trips in backpack tents , wall tents , even teepees on horseback trips through the Canadian Rockies , across Alberta .
Camper shells mounted on pickup trucks are used by some seniors ; however , they ’ re expensive and not for everyone because larger units often require a three-quarter ton truck bed . The same applies to motor homes , many of which were being driven by seniors last year — probably by snowbirds who used to spend the winter in Arizona , New Mexico , and California — who added to the crowd . I wouldn ’ t rule out renting a motor home , which is affordable for those on a budget .
More common would be holiday trailers that can be towed by cars , SUVs , or pickup trucks . Affordable holiday trailers come in all shapes and sizes : twelvefoot tent-trailers to forty-foot travel trailers with multiple popouts . Of course , longer , heavier units require stabilizer bars so they don ’ t pitch or sway on the highway ; it takes a bit of practice to safely tow and park one of those . Many of today ’ s holiday trailers are relatively light-weight , compact , and luxurious — ideal for seniors who might want to venture to distant locations in Alberta and beyond . You can always rent a vacation trailer
Readers should check local , municipal , provincial , and Parks Canada websites regarding possible camping restrictions this year until COVID-19 restrictions wane . However , there ’ s no reason why seniors shouldn ’ t make plans to go camping , with the caveat that I do not recommend engaging in “ random camping ” in Alberta ’ s eastern slopes because of the potential environmental damage caused by this activity . To deal with random camping , where it is generally permissible along the eastern slopes , the government intends to implement a Public Land Camping Pass on June 1 , 2021 . According to a news release , “ Fees collected would be used to upgrade infrastructure , improve education , fund conservation officers on the ground , enhance public safety , and ensure better environmental and waste management .” The Public Land Camping Pass is expected to be $ 20 per person for a threeday pass and $ 30 per person for an annual pass . Assuming this goes into effect , passes will be available for purchase online at
albertaRELM . com and at the same places where fishing and hunting licences are sold .
Basic tenting is an affordable option
Holiday trailers are very popular news & views SUMMER 2021 | 17