news&views Summer 2020 | Page 45

ess and Being Human developed over centuries would not be what they are without the roles that water plays on planet Earth. When it comes to water, we humans appear to be situated in cycles and processes that provide for our needs and enable our development. The Earth’s water doesn’t always suit our needs. Water can be threatening. When the Red River rises bit by bit across southern Manitoba, threatening to fill every trench and climb every dike, there is little to feel but dread. When the Bow reaches far beyond its banks, crashing through towns and destroying urban environments, we are afraid. Water on the rampage has power beyond our control. There is more about water than our needs and our fears. Water also provides pleasure — sometimes even joy. A long drink of cool water on a hot, sweaty day satisfies us. A tumbling waterfall throwing up clouds of mist as it splatters on smooth rocks astounds us. The sight and sound of waves soothe us. The feel of soapy water on our skin refreshes us. The scrape of sharp blades on hard ice is music to our ears. A world without water’s pleasures would be a duller world. We shouldn’t be surprised that water rituals play significant roles in many of our religions. Water shows what we are — creatures interacting with a complex environment that sustains us. Whatever powers we may possess, we have certain fragilities too. Water uncovers them, but it also uncovers something else. We have the capacity for delight. ● Lloyd Den Boer is retiring as Dean of Education at The King’s University after a career in teaching at every level from elementary school to teacher preparation. news&views SUMMER 2020 | 23