news&views Summer 2015 | Page 6



The Winds of Change are Blowing Strong


“ I can ’ t change the direction of the wind , but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination .”

— Jimmy Dean

By the time this spring ’ s edition of news & views reaches your doorstep , the Government of Alberta will have again changed the direction of the wind ( or at least hot air will be blowing hard from a different direction ). The newly formed Government will , no doubt , revise its priorities based on promises made and broken as well as unveil a plan to deal with the dramatic change in our new economic reality .

The new direction that the Government will propel us will have an impact on every Albertan as well as on associations like ours ; but like Jimmy Dean , ARTA will adjust its sails to reach its destination . Our destination is outlined in our strategic plan , Looking Ahead , and it is guided by our association ’ s three goals : member services , advocacy and wellness .
Whatever government is formed , ARTA will remain steadfast in ensuring that vital programs that affect the lives of all seniors in Alberta like the drug benefits in the Coverage for Seniors program are maintained while advocating for realistic tax programs for seniors , safe and affordable assisted living accommodation for seniors , enhanced availability and quality of long-term care facilities , as well as home care services for those seniors who choose that option . While this list includes only a few examples of programs that ARTA will continue to monitor and advocate for on behalf of its membership , we are always adjusting our sails to see to it that our destination is reachable , no matter what course we take to get there .
Following the spring provincial election , ARTA will renew its commitment to ensure that our members are best served by their elected representatives . The upcoming federal election will also challenge ARTA to make sure that the winds of change do not push us off course as we pursue our predetermined destination .
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