COMMITTEES of the editorial board . The chair is ARTA ’ s vice president , who is also the ARTA Board of Directors ’ liaison to news & views . The editorial board ’ s roles and responsibilities include support of and direction to the editor . The editorial board also establishes editorial mandates , maintains editorial integrity , monitors advertising standards , surveys readers and conducts evaluations of both news & views and its editor .
Governance Committee
COMMITTEES of the editorial board . The chair is ARTA ’ s vice president , who is also the ARTA Board of Directors ’ liaison to news & views . The editorial board ’ s roles and responsibilities include support of and direction to the editor . The editorial board also establishes editorial mandates , maintains editorial integrity , monitors advertising standards , surveys readers and conducts evaluations of both news & views and its editor .
The CTC , like other committees , has evolved over the years . Initially , the committee was more involved in computer technology and supported the ARTA Board of Directors ( BoD ) in its attempt to transform ARTA into a paperless organization . While personal technical assistance to individuals is
still an important role , the committee now provides assistance to the BoD by recommending hardware , software and security and presenting inservices as required .
One very important role of the CTC is to recommend to the BoD a suitable candidate for the position of editor of news & views .
As the CTC no longer has to provide the degree of computer support that it once did , the focus has moved toward the broader area of communication . Recently , the committee assisted in the selection of a new production company for our magazine and monitored the transition . Providing technology articles to news & views on a regular basis assists the general membership with information about technology , and is another committee initiative .
Other committee initiatives include providing grants to the ARTA Board of Directors and to committee members for needed hardware and software , providing grants to member branches to arrange their own technology inservices for their members , and working to provide a website model for branch use so that branches more easily can communicate with their members . Thanks to the BoD and Paul Boisvert , one of our most successful initiatives has been an annual photo contest . With the success of the photo contest as a model , the committee is holding a writing contest this coming fall .
Governance Committee
The primary responsibilities of the Governance Committee include developing and monitoring the association ’ s Bylaws , and Policies and Procedures . All governing documents are reviewed regularly . Changes are either recommended to the Board of Directors or executed as directed by the Board . In addition the committee investigates , researches and reports on issues referred to it by the Board of Directors ; monitors the compliance of the organization with its Bylaws , Policies and Procedures , and other governing documents ; and reports to the Board of Directors as required .
Other responsibilities include establishing the process and determining the recipients of the ARTA – TW Insurance Degree Scholarships and the ARTA Certificate / Diploma Scholarships annually ; approving or rejecting Branch Project Grant applications , reviewing grant recipient
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