Communications / Technology Committee
ARTA ’ s Committees :
A Brief Note from the Editor
At a meeting in February , Juanita Knight , ARTA ’ s president , approached me with an idea . She suggested that members might be interested in the workings of ARTA ’ s many committees , and she hoped that perhaps there might be members who had never served on a committee who might be interested in doing so .
I thought it was a great idea , particularly since news & views has neglected the focus on committees that David Flower began a few years ago . And so I went home to send a request to the chairs of committees to submit a brief summary of their respective committee ’ s activities with an eye to attracting new members .
What follows is what was returned to us . Some committees like the Nominating Committee ( which has our past president on it — and nobody else !), or the Finance Committee replied , but pointed out that they functioned in a way that might not fit with the request . Almost every other committee chair replied , though , with a snapshot of their committee . Their reports paint a wonderful picture of both the inner workings of ARTA and of opportunities to become involved in those workings .
We all know that there is work to be done in restructuring and reshaping the committees , and that work is underway . Know , though , that the welcome mat is out for new committee members — ARTA members who are looking for a challenging way to contribute to the organization and connect with hard-working and dynamic people . Does it matter where you live ? Not a bit . Contact your local branch for information . Don ’ t have a branch ? Contact me , and I ’ ll help you .
Robin Carson Editor , news & views nveditor @ shaw . ca
Communications / Technology Committee
The Communications / Technology Committee ( Comm / Tech Committee or CTC ) is made up of three members elected from the ARTA membership , ARTA ’ s president ( or designate ), ARTA ’ s vice-president , the executive director ( or designate ) and the editor of news & views . We are also fortunate in having the director of marketing at our committee meetings . Only elected members may vote ; all others are non-voting ex officio members .
The three core members are elected to the committee from the membership at large at ARTA ’ s Annual General Meetings . Only one new member is elected each year for a three-year term in order to maintain continuity . The committee elects one of these voting members to be the chair .
Because it has a committee within the committee , the CTC is unique in ARTA . That special inner committee is the editorial board . All members of the CTC , including the ex officio members , are voting members
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