news&views Spring 2023 | Page 5

From the President

Deb Gerow | President , ARTA

Creating a Better Whole

Making music , especially singing , has always been one of the great pleasures in my life . Both of my parents were musically gifted , and for as long as I can remember , our family made music together . Our car did not have a radio , so Sunday afternoon drives in the country were enlivened by versions of many old favourite songs like “ Down in the Valley ,” sung in three or four parts . Even now , when family gets together , our idea of fun is gathering around the piano , harmonizing to familiar tunes . My family is where I first developed my love of singing in harmony . Not only is it the sound of different parts joining to create a beautiful whole but also the feeling of love remembered .
In a choir , sopranos are often given the melody part , with altos and tenors adding the interesting tones which colour the piece , and basses providing a solid foundation . As a soprano , I am accustomed to singing melody , but I have always been attracted to the harmony parts . My earliest group singing experience was in our church choir , usually short of people who were proficient music readers . Because I read music well , whenever there was a need for an extra person to help the altos or tenors , I was often asked to help . I came to love those moments when the harmony parts added the one special sound that changed everything , when apparent dissonance was resolved by the movement of one part . Eventually , I sang a supporting part as often as I sang soprano . As an adult , singing in choirs has continued to bring me much joy . I still love choral singing , and I will return to it when time allows .
Reflecting on harmony , I realize that the operations of ARTA are much like a well-written piece of music . There are many parts — branches , committees , and staff — that each have a specific role to play . Sometimes we are engaged in a leadership role , and sometimes we are part of the supporting cast . We must realize that there are no unimportant roles . When everyone is doing their part , then the work of ARTA gets done .
Harmony in an organization is not about everyone thinking the same but rather when each of us contributes our own thoughts , ideas , and energy to create a better whole . As much as I love singing in harmony , I love the work we do together to create a beautiful future where all of our members enjoy an enhanced quality of life . news & views SPRING 2023 | 5