news&views Spring 2023 | Page 36

2022 Writing Contest


Leaf Falling Day

Sylvia Peterson
Today is leaf falling day I don ’ t know another name for it This is the warm autumn day Following the first hard frost
I felt an urge to go to my old street Now lined with tall strong trees I remember : “ Don ’ t bend those branches , they will break ” My children already tall enough to reach the sapling ’ s lowest boughs
The canopy above has turned a vibrant yellow Save for here and there a splash of green Clinging to the memory of summer Leaf falling day
Not a leaf falling here or there but all together One might expect a noise from ten thousand thousand leaves Striking the earth So softly they float down and spill the amber
There is no line to say here is the grass and there the road A blanket covering the ground Wishing sweet dreams until spring The leaves are down , the branches bare
It is leaf falling day
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