news&views Spring 2023 | Page 35

full bag , lifted the bag out of the container , tied it off and replaced the bag . She started back to her truck . The old woman spoke up , “ I can ’ t read the bus sign . It ’ s covered with mud .” Looking up , the city worker smiled and shook her head . “ Those kids ,” she muttered , “ like to throw their mud balls . I ’ ve got something I can use to clean that sign .”
After dropping the full garbage bag into the bed of the truck , she grabbed a long-handled squeegee , sprayed it with cleaning fluid , and wiped the bus stop sign clean .
“ There , now you can see the numbers of all the buses that stop here .” “ I ... I can ’ t remember the number .” The other woman frowned . “ Listen , all you have to do is take any bus downtown to Sorenson Station . Someone down there can get you safely to where you want to go .” “ You ’ re very kind .” “ I like helping people . This transit employee is at your service .” “ Thank you .... Doris ,” she replied , reading the name embroidered on the orange safety vest .
“ You have a nice day , ma ’ am ,” the woman said as she climbed into her truck and drove away . “ Nice lady ,” the old woman murmured . Just then a clean cut young man in a three-piece suit marched up to the bus shelter . He glanced up at the sign and frowned . “ There ’ s no arrival times on that stupid sign .” He reached into his suit jacket pocket and removed a cell phone . Looking down at it , he scowled . “ Low battery ! And my damn car had a dead battery ! Someone up there must really hate me ! Son-of-a- ” “ Does my bus stop here ?” a voice interrupted . “ What ??” He glanced at the old woman . “ How would I know ? I don ’ t take buses !” “ Looks like you do today ,” she smiled . “ Dead phone ! Dead car ! Couldn ’ t call for an Uber or a cab !” “ I think there ’ s a taxi down at that corner .” “ Great !” He runs off . “ Taxi ! Taxi !!” “ You ’ re welcome ,” she whispered . She stands and waves across the street . A man in a chauffeur ’ s uniform appears . “ Are you finished for today , Mrs . Strongbow ?” “ Yes , Saunders ,” she replied as she stripped off the old coat and hat , depositing them into the garbage container . “ Any instructions , madam ?” “ Draft a cheque to Glendale School Library for $ 1000 for poetry books . Send coffee and donuts for fifty to the Transit Department for the next week .” “ Yes , mum , very good .” They crossed the street , and he opened the door to a black limousine . “ I think we ’ ll try the northside next time . We ’ ll see if my bus stops there tomorrow .”
news & views SPRING 2023 | 35