From the President
Lorna McIlroy | President , ARTA
Around the Corner
When we talk of life around the next corner , we are often thinking of the next decade or the next phase of our lives . I will always assume that there are good things waiting around the corner , but I will endeavour to be prepared for all eventualities . Maintenance is crucial . I will provide regular maintenance for my home , my vehicle , my relationships , and myself . Yes , I should plan and prepare for the future and I should be organized with financial documents and plans in one place , with an updated will , power of attorney , and advanced care directive prepared . I must also consider the options and timeline for staying in our current home , making adaptations , or moving to more accessible or supportive housing .
The past two pandemic years have caused many of us to cocoon and wait : first for the vaccine that was going to restore our freedom , then for travel and social restrictions to lift . Two years ago , I yearned for things to return to normal . Now I realize that I want a new normal , reimagining the world anew and breaking with the past . I would like to leave behind prejudice and hatred . I would choose to rejuvenate polluted rivers and smoky skies . I am hopeful of a kinder , brighter world around the corner .
Yes , spring is just around the corner . I have always loved spring with all its new beginnings . However , I have learned to love the opulence of summer , the ripeness of autumn and yes , even the purity of winter . By seeking out the positives in each season , we can truly enjoy the present , without yearning for future pleasures . Each season gifts us with unique sights , sounds , smells , tastes , and textures .
Every new month gives us the opportunity to make a fresh start . I may have complained about required year plans and day plans , but now I appreciate the opportunity to prioritize my time . The organizational skills , honed over
decades in our working years , can serve us well in retirement . I can plan visits , volunteer activities , and coffee dates . Adventures can be carefully mapped out , and promises can be kept . With adequate planning , I can stay active and connected while enjoying the present .
Each new week allows us to try something new . We can cherish our memories but also continue making new ones . I will aim to lighten my luggage as I turn the corner . Suspicions , grudges , and resentment can weigh us down ; an apology will lighten your load . But carpe diem — seize the day ! Rather than living in fear of the future , I will find joy in the present . I will speak the things I am thinking , send that text , make that call , mail that card or letter . We do not know what lies around the corner , but each new day can allow us an enticing peek . news & views SPRING 2022 | 5