ARTA supports an engaged lifestyle after retirement through member-centred services , advocacy , communication , wellness , and leadership .
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Margaret Sadler
COPY EDITORS AND PROOFREADERS Inge Coates Vi Oko Tara Penner Bev Sawyer
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Jennifer Hope Robert Michon Gary Sawatzky Jonathan Schieman Amanda Shaw Scott Tywoniuk
DESIGN Tony Esteves Virginia Quist
PRINTING Burke Group
news & views is published four times a year by the Alberta Retired Teachers ’ Association ( ARTA ).
To change your subscription or move to a digital subscription , call the ARTA office , or email marketing @ arta . net
To contact the editor , write to nveditor @ arta . net
Contributions to news & views are welcome . They may be sent to nvsubmit @ arta . net
Deadline for submissions to the Gratitude issue is April 20 , 2022 .
Telephone : 780-822-2400
Canada only : 1-855-212-2400 fax : 1-780-447-0613 email : info @ arta . net website :
arta . net
Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to 15505 137 Avenue NW Edmonton , AB T5V 1R9
SPRING 2022 | VOL . 30.3
Recently , the only constant at ARTA has been change . 2021 was a year of exceptional growth for ARTA — both in membership size and in our services and responsibilities . Through the self-administration of our benefit plans , significant improvements to existing benefit plans , the introduction of six new benefit plans , and the impact of the ever-changing travel restrictions on our Emergency Travel Insurance , we have done our best to communicate transparently with our current and prospective membership . Even more change awaits with the spring opening of ARTARx , Canada ’ s first plan-owned pharmacy . Stay up to date by reading news & views and each monthly ARTAfacts e-newsletter and by regularly checking
arta . net and
myarta . net .
If you are not receiving communications , email marketing @ arta . net to confirm your subscription preferences . If you have any questions or concerns about what awaits ARTA around the next corner , our staff is only a phone call away .
Member Services
Organizational Excellence
This publication is provided for general information purposes only and is not meant as legal or other professional advice . You should not rely on , or take or fail to take any action , based upon the information provided in this publication . The views expressed in each article are the views of the author ( s ) of each article and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Alberta Retired Teachers ’ Association or of the Association ’ s directors , officers , employees , and agents . If you require specific legal or professional advice on any issue , please consult a lawyer or other professional advisor . The Alberta Retired Teachers ’ Association , its directors , officers , employees , agents , and authors shall not be liable in any manner , or to any extent , for any loss , damage , or expense whatsoever , arising from or in connection with any use of or reliance on the information contained in this publication , including , but not limited to , any indirect or consequential damages .
ARTA sells advertising space to third party organizations such as its partners . Publication of an advertisement does not mean that ARTA endorses a product or service . ARTA does not make any representations or offer any warranties , nor are there any implied or express conditions , with respect to the quality of any advertised goods or services or the fitness of such goods or services for the purposes so advertised . ARTA recommends that all readers conduct their own research and be diligent when considering important purchasing decisions and make the choice that is ultimately in the reader ’ s own best interest .