news&views Spring 2021 | Page 11

From the Branches

Joan Godbout | President , NWARTA

NWARTA ’ s COVID – 19 Challenge — Embracing Technology

In a 2006 study , researchers at the US National Institutes of Health found that individuals who anonymously donated their winnings to a charity “ activated the same reward centre in the brain that was activated when participants had received the winnings .” I believe this “ feel good ” sensation is also activated when people donate their time and energy . Certainly this is the case with the nine NWARTA executive members .
Northwestern Alberta Retired Teachers ’ Association
We derive great pleasure in volunteering and serving our community of retirees . Providing opportunities for our members to be physically , socially , intellectually , and emotionally engaged ensures a vibrant retirement lifestyle not only for members but also for us , NWARTA ’ s executive volunteers .
Addressing the COVID-19 Challenge has forced us to be creative and to develop new skills , especially when using communication technology . We are especially thankful to ARTA ’ s Tony Esteves who manages the website at artabranches . net / nwarta .
For NWARTA , the COVID-19 Challenge is to connect with members through engaging , physically distanced , virtual activities . Communicating by email , the website , and Facebook is at the core of our success . Creating interesting and visually appealing electronic messages is one of the skills NWARTA continues to develop and modify . To encourage Winter Wellness at Home , we sourced , tried , and shared a number of fitness YouTube videos . While this was meant to encourage members to remain active , testing the videos got us active as well .
Musical entertainment is emotionally engaging and has always been a part of our yearly St . Nicholas Luncheon . Since we were unable to come together to celebrate , we shared videos featuring performances by the Grande Prairie Boys ’ Choir and others . In addition , organizations such as the Primary Care Network , Seniors ’ Centre Without Walls , and Alberta Health provided a variety of free virtual activities , healthrelated sessions , and informative presentations , which NWARTA also shared with members .
These were all one-way communications , so when planning our Fall Ramble , we encouraged members to share messages of “ hope and inspiration ” to create a Wall of Support at the event on October 1 , 2020 , the Day of Older Persons . The logistics of posting the
Fall Ramble and Vehicle of Support
messages on a wall proved difficult and it became a Vehicle of Support instead .
Celebrations and gatherings that accompany the Christmas season were sadly missed , so members were invited to interact electronically by sharing their messages of hope to create a Members ’ Greeting Card . To further celebrate the season of giving , there were a number of gift prizes ( some donated ) for dining or entertainment .
Spring 2020 saw NWARTA postponing its Sixth New Frontiers Retirees ’ Conference , but the Planning Team was thrilled about a three-day virtual conference in February 2021 . New Frontiers re-imagined was a free Zoom event featuring one speaker on each of the three days . To support the event , registration gifts were delivered or mailed to participants .
Finding ways to adapt and improve communication technology has been exciting , energizing , and ultimately has “ activated the reward centre of the brain .” NWARTA ’ s Planning Team looks forward to gathering in person , but in the meantime the COVID-19 Challenge encourages us to remain creative .
news & views SPRING 2021 | 11