news&views Spring 2021 | Page 10


Robert Michon | ARTA Communications Specialist

Building Community with a Little Help from ARTCF

It ’ s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has hit seniors hard . For many , it has meant the loss of community and social supports as people isolate to protect their health . But a grant from the Alberta Retired Teachers Charitable Foundation ( ARTCF ) is helping Edmonton ’ s Operation Friendship Seniors Society ( OFSS ) build new community supports and maintain contact with their members during the pandemic .
As a non-profit organization , OFSS is dedicated to improving the lives of inner-city seniors through community outreach and affordable housing . Just before the pandemic arrived in full force , OFSS used a grant from ARTCF to purchase a pool table and coffee grinder for their community Drop-In Centre . While these additions may seem small to some , for Edmonton ’ s inner-city seniors , they have made a world of difference .
“ We ’ re so thankful to ARTCF for the grant to purchase these items for our Drop-in Centre ,” says Jimmy Morrison , OFSS ’ s Community Relations Supervisor . While use of the pool table was cut short due to necessary distancing practices of COVID-19 , staff at the centre did get a sneak peek of the joy it was bringing to community members .
“ Most of our seniors grew up playing pool and are quite good at it ,” says Jimmy . “ It ’ s fun to sit back and watch their games , and when we had groups in , there were always friendly challenges being made . It ’ s a great way for our community to socialize and enjoy some laughs , and we can ’ t wait until we ’ re able to re-open . Playing pool is a huge part of our Drop-In Centre ’ s appeal to our community .”
Though enjoyment of the pool table had to be paused , the coffee grinder has been getting a lot of use through the centre ’ s new lunch program . “ Even though our centre is closed for now , we ’ re still able to hand out bag lunches , coffee , tea , and other essential items through our courtyard ,” says Jimmy . “ With our own coffee grinder , we ’ re able to get beans from the Edmonton Food Bank , grind them ourselves , and get more coffee out to seniors . A simple cup of coffee goes a long way to warm them up and get them through the day .
“ We ’ re excited to have ARTCF ’ s support and are looking forward to getting back to normal soon . Please keep our seniors in your thoughts and prayers during these hard times .”
arta . net / artcf for more information .
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