news&views Autumn 2024 | Page 9

ARTA Emergency Travel Coverage

How to Report an Emergency to AXA Assistance ( AXA ), ARTA ’ s Emergency Travel Coverage provider .
In a dire situation , always seek medical attention first , and contact AXA once your safety is not an immediate concern . If your situation is not dire , contact AXA before seeking medical aid to get the most accurate information .
You must call within 48 hours of the emergency or as soon as reasonably possible . This includes events that require a trip-cancellation or interruption claim .
1 . Have these items at hand
• Pen and paper .
• ARTA ID number ( Included on your ARTA Benefits ID card ).
• The ARTA policy number , which is 1TN25 .
• The phone number where you can be reached ( e . g ., cell , hotel , ship ).
2 . Make the call
• Ask for the name of the agent with whom you are speaking and write it down .
• State your medical problem .
• Ask for instructions on how to address the problem .
• Ask if medical bills will be paid up front .
3 . Get a file number
Ask for a file / claim number and write it down .
4 . Keep all receipts
Retain any boarding passes , train tickets , taxi fares , hotel receipts , cruise ship registrations ; payments made at hospitals , clinics , or pharmacies ; and records of any costs related to the emergency . You may need these to file a claim upon your return home .
5 . Be prepared
Always carry the name and telephone number of your general practitioner in case you need to consult them or request medical information during your trip .
In Canada / USA : 1-844-996-9003 In any other country : 1-519-342-0142
ARTA policy number 1TN25 ARTA ID No .:
Contact No .:
Agent ’ s Name :
File / Claim No .:
( E . g ., cellphone , hotel , ship )
( from AXA Assistance )
Your doctor ’ s name and telephone No .:
To download a digital copy of this form , visit :
arta . net / link / emergency-travel
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