Fibromyalgia : The Invisible illness or the Ignored Illness ?
“ My whole body aches .“ “ I never have any energy .” “ Nobody can find anything wrong .” “ I can ’ t sleep with all this pain .” “ I can ’ t spend all day in bed , but I am too tired to move .” “ My flare-ups are ruining my life .”
This was Lorraine ’ s daily life , a relentless battle against fibromyalgia . “ I would spend my days in bed as the pain travelled to different parts of my body . It felt like I was covered in bruises . Knowing I was missing my grandkids ’ childhood and feeling like I was letting them down every day was devastating ,“ Lorraine shared .
Fibromyalgia is a complex and chronic condition affecting over half a million people in Canada . Its inconsistent and all-encompassing symptoms make it one of the most challenging conditions to diagnose and treat .
Typically , it becomes a diagnosis of exclusion , where scans show nothing , tests are inconclusive , and unanswered questions lead to a diagnosis of fibromyalgia . This is particularly frustrating because something is clearly wrong , but the problem is invisible to our modern tests .
“ All the doctors and specialists I met couldn ' t offer a real solution . Some even suggested I was faking my pain . I had never felt so defeated and disrespected . I felt like I was being sent on a wild goose chase , I was referred from doctor to doctor and no one could help . The long wait times to see every doctor and specialist certainly didn ’ t help . I spent more time waiting than anything else so I started doing my own research , trying everything from going gluten-free to eliminating toxins , but nothing helped ,“ Lorraine explained .
Lorraine ' s story is all too common among those suffering from fibromyalgia . The pain is inconsistent and relentless , leading to chronic fatigue and brain fog , often referred to as ' fibro fog .’
On top of all that , fibromyalgia often has flare-ups where the pain , fatigue , and other symptoms are worse .
While some suggest causes like genetics , infections , weather changes , emotional stress , and physical trauma , much about this disease remains unknown , earning it the nickname ' invisible illness .'
Fortunately , Lorraine went looking for other solutions while she was waiting for yet another specialist referral and would eventually find Dr . Melanie Morrill Ac .’ s blog posts on fibromyalgia , talking about similar symptoms and how she offers relief at Accessible Acupuncture . “ I was willing to try anything . I couldn ' t keep living like that .”
" Since starting treatment , I went from not being able to play with my grandkids to babysitting them for the weekend . It is wonderful to be able to spend time with them ," Lorraine stated .
Dr . Melanie Morrill Ac . uses a combination of 4000-year-old acupuncture and modern frequencyspecific microcurrent , a new technology that targets fibromyalgia pain to restore function . This innovative approach has shown a 90 % success rate in relieving fibromyalgia symptoms .
“ Fibromyalgia isn ’ t invisible , it is being ignored . I hear the pain , I see the fatigue , and can feel the tension in the the muscles ,“ Dr . Melanie Morrill Ac . states .
“ The only time fibromyalgia is invisible is when you are looking at scans and lab work instead of the real live person in front of you . ”
If you or someone you love are suffering from chronic pain that presents as dull aching pain , fatigue , insomnia , or has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia , it ’ s important to know that there are options .
There is hope !
Best of all , it is timely . Instead of waiting months for another specialist , Dr . Melanie Morrill Ac . is scheduling consultations within two to four weeks .
When you have severe chronic pain , every day matters .
Accessible Acupuncture is now accepting new fibromyalgia patients but only for a limited time . Only 10 new fibromyalgia patients will be accepted each month .
Call 587-879-7122 to schedule . Fibromyalgia doesn ’ t need to be invisible .
Schedule a consultation at Accessible Acupuncture .
Call 587-879-7122 to schedule now .
HYS Centre 600 , 11010 101 ST NW Edmonton , AB
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