news&views Autumn 2024 | Page 29


The Metaphysics of a Vortex

Paradise Canyon , Alberta
Terry Whitehead Member , Wellness Committee , ARTA

After two weeks in Las Vegas , Craig and I travelled to Sedona — what a difference !

The Dark Sky laws ensure that Sedona ’ s outside lights are angled down , and only certain colours like pinkish-orange or amber may be used to avoid interference with viewing the stars and planets . Walking downtown , I kept seeing signs for “ Vortex Here .” I didn ’ t know what that meant , so we attended a lecture by Pete Sanders Jr .,
an honours MIT graduate who majored in biomedical chemistry and brain science .
Professor Sanders explained that a vortex is a place where energy flows in a spiral , both up and down , allowing the earth to be alive and healthy . In some places like Sedona , the vortex energy is so powerful that you can actually feel it . Since the earth is so healthy and alive in these areas , you will discover a combination of colours which , together with the energy created by the vortex , affects the brain ’ s joy centre , allowing you to escape from the stresses of everyday life . Many people take the opportunity to meditate in these areas . In Sedona , we could see the red rocks , the bright blue sky , and the beautiful desert flowers and bushes . The combination of these colours was dramatic .
" I sit on a bench halfway up the Paradise Canyon hill and look out at the view that is so familiar to me ."
— Terry Whitehead
The professor believes some people relax by observing the colours from afar , while others have to be in the centre of the colours , amid the vortex . I decided to test this theory . I stood on the road and looked over at Bell Rock . It was spectacular ! Later , we hiked to the rock and climbed part way up . We sat down to look at the view . I knew then that I was the type that needed to be in the centre of all the colours , enjoying the energy from the vortex . How relaxing it was ! Later , we went golfing . The colours were even more spectacular , and we felt so wonderful — I became so relaxed , I had difficulty hitting the ball !
Alberta ranks as one of the “ Top 50 ” Earth energy centres of the world . Most of the high-energy spots are in central Alberta , while Lake Louise is the most visited vortex in Alberta . You may have heard them listed as “ Sacred Sites ” or “ Power Spots .” I encourage you to seek out and enjoy our Alberta vortices or find that special spot near your home that helps you relax and enjoy life .
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