From the Branches
Marilyn Resler | Secretary, OKARTA
News from OKARTA
We’ve been busy around OKARTA
this last while! For those of you
who may not know, we are the only
branch of Alberta retired teachers
outside the province. We are located in the Okanagan
Valley in British Columbia which stretches from
Vernon in the north to the American border in the
south. Kelowna is our home base, but our members
live everywhere in between.
Our group meets several times a year. We gather
for social events; but this year we have also had many
informative sessions around the wellness theme. Outdoor
activities included a bike trip through the Myra Canyon
Trestles to Penticton, pickleball lessons, walks along
Mission Creek, and more.
In June, we held our Annual General Meeting at
the Harvest Golf and Country Club in Kelowna. It’s a
spectacular venue dotted with flower beds and waterfalls.
The executive delivered reports, answered questions, and
updated members on what’s new from ARTA.
This event was followed by another favourite: the
Raspberry Fest in Peachland. Members enjoyed a yard
party at the home of Fred and Marilyn Resler, but the
main feature was fresh raspberries, cookies, and ice
cream. In mid-September, Carl and Rose McColl will
22 |
Back: Rose McColl, Bev Mallett, Doris Mallett,
Lil Werenka, Marilyn Resler
Front: Betty Yanitski, Margaret Ward
host the annual fall Chili Bowl/Bocce Tournament.
Each gathering attracts new people and that inspires new
activities for the following year. How about a Ukrainian
cooking class? Yes, with eating to follow!
We have about a hundred names on our email list
with new additions all the time. If you are moving to the
Okanagan or want more information on OKARTA, check
our website or contact the branch president,
Fred Resler, at ●