news&views 2024 summer | Page 56


Books by ARTA members for your reading pleasure .


Hannah , Anna and Mei by Lloyd B . Brown . Self-published , 2022 . Children ’ s Fiction . Follow the story of three young girls who experience bullying as they find the courage to stand up to their bullies and reclaim their lives .
Roberto , Bobby and Bruce by Lloyd B . Brown . Self-published , 2022 . Children ’ s Fiction . Friends discover that they have one thing in common : they are all bullied at school and together , with courage , make the bullying stop .

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Hiding Amongst the Clouds by Laurie Carmichael . Friesen Press , 2023 . Fiction . During the investigation of the “ Socialite Murder ,” the police discover their victim is not a victim after all , but how do they prove it !
The Uninvited Guest by Jean Filewych . Friesen Press , 2023 . Fiction . How do you find resolve , and hope , and even joy under the shadow of disease ? Join the Fletcher family on a decade-long harrowing journey .
About the ARTA Bookshelf
Anyone interested in reading further is welcome to search out these books through the publishers or other book sellers . While we proudly celebrate our authors , displaying them on the Bookshelf is not an endorsement of any of these books .
Submit Your Work
With a photo of the book cover , a few publication details , and a 25-word description of the book , ARTA members who are recently published have a chance to share their success with our readers . Send details to nveditor @ arta . net . The ARTA Bookshelf is available at no cost ; paid advertising opportunities continue to be available through marketing @ arta . net .
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