news&views 2024 summer | Page 55

In listing the names of those who have gone before us , we take this time to remember , honour , and celebrate those who lived their lives in public service .
If I had a flower for every time I thought of you , I could walk in my garden forever .

In listing the names of those who have gone before us , we take this time to remember , honour , and celebrate those who lived their lives in public service .

Consider all that was accomplished through these many lives ; consider all the lives who were touched by these good people . Seeds were planted ; flowers bloomed . Even as we miss their physical presence , there is much to be celebrated here .
If I had a flower for every time I thought of you , I could walk in my garden forever .
— Alfred Lord Tennyson
Keath Austen Calgary
Marion Elizabeth ( née Hibbert ) Boreiko Calgary
Louis Gerson Da Costa Athabasca
Antoinette “ Toni ” Helen d ’ Apice Calgary
Elizabeth Ann Driscoll Surrey , BC
Melody “ Mel ” Elaine Ewing Lethbridge
Diane Fernet Bishop Edmonton
Anna Elaine Gerber Beaumont
Jean Marie Gregg Lethbridge
Ivan Franklin Ivankovich Edmonton
Bernie John Merchant Edmonton
Terrance “ Terry ” William Miskew Edmonton
Walter “ Wally ” Mosychuk Edmonton
Arthur Gerald “ Gerry ” Wayne Sharpe Campbell River , BC
Peter “ Pete ” Slemko Lethbridge
Christine Spring-Gifford Calgary
Diane Gail ( née Geldreich ) Stephen Calgary
Richard Leslie Traxel Medicine Hat
Jill Tynan Calgary
Charles Eric Ward Calgary
Kenneth Edward Willie Edmonton
Grace Yanda Edmonton
To honour an ARTA member or a retired teacher who has passed away , please email the editor at memoriam @ arta . net .
SUMMER 2024 | 55