news&views 2024 summer | Page 53

Tips for Connecting with Nature
Clearly , getting in touch with nature is good for us . Here ’ s how to reap those benefits :
• Get creative . Find new ways to connect with nature . Drink your morning coffee in the garden . Cut through a park on your way home . Meander round a local greenhouse or botanic gardens . Sit waterside and bird watch . Do an outdoor yoga class .
• Mind the minutes . Even a short exposure to nature and green space can have a positive effect . Any time you have a few minutes to spare , get outdoors .
• Be safe . If you are spending time deeper in nature , plan ahead and take the necessary precautions :
• Make sure someone knows exactly where you are and when you ’ ll be back .
• Have enough water and supplies , including an emergency first aid kit .
• Check the weather and plan accordingly .
• Respect local rules and advisories .
• Be prepared for encounters with local fauna , including tiny creatures like ticks . While most ticks don ’ t carry diseases or cause health problems , changing weather patterns have made them move into new areas and become more common .
• Bring the outdoors in . If you can ’ t get outdoors , don ’ t despair ! We can even benefit from viewing nature indoors through video or audio . Biophilic design ( using internal and external building elements to enhance connection to nature ) can reduce stress and increase cognitive performance . So , find other ways to connect to nature through photographs , bird or river sounds , or indoor plants and greenery .
There you have it ! If you ’ re looking for new habits and ways of being this summer , get outdoors or bring the outdoors in . And , as always , don ’ t hesitate to reach out for support on your journey .
Exposure to nature and green spaces can boost both physical and mental well‐being by
Increasing physical activity
Improving sleep quality
Lowering blood pressure and reducing risk of cardiovascular disease
Improving cognitive functioning
Improving mood
Reducing stress
Reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety
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