news&views 2024 summer | Page 52


Nature and Well-Being :

An Ode to the Out of Doors

Kayleigh-Ann Clegg , PhD | Clinical Content Specialist and Psychologist , HumanaCare

Finally , the air is warm , the leaves have emerged , and we are nearing our longest days of the year .

It ’ s time for fresh starts and new growth . This summer , if you ’ re looking for ways to change your physical and mental health for the better , look no further than your front door — and step outside .
The Importance of Nature
Nature is necessary for the survival of our species and is vital in our individual lives . There ’ s a reason why “ forest bathing ” has become so popular ; why some mental health professionals are taking their therapy practices outdoors ; and why programs like PaRx — where physicians prescribe time in nature with a free Parks Canada Discovery pass — exist in Alberta and most provinces .
Why Is Nature So Beneficial ?
The positive effects of natural spaces may be because of what we are doing outside — moving our bodies and spending time with loved ones — which are both associated with better physical and mental health .
However , we can receive nature ’ s gifts by just being outside . We don ’ t have to climb a mountain — we can simply sit on a park bench .
Researchers have a few theories about why nature gives us so many benefits :
• Biophilia . We have an innate drive to connect with nature because we evolved in and relied on the natural environment to survive as a species .
• Stress reduction . Spending time in nature triggers a physiological “ relaxation response ” that reduces our physiological “ stress response ,” protecting our physical and mental health .
• Attention restoration . Being out in nature replenishes our mental resources , like attention , especially if we ’ re usually in an urban environment .
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