news&views 2024 summer | Page 4

Summer 2024 | VOL . 32.4
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Margaret Sadler
COPY EDITORS AND PROOFREADERS Aaron Axline Jennelle Lew Brooke MacCallum Vi Oko Tara Penner Bev Sawyer
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Laurie Semler Amanda Shaw
DESIGN Tony Esteves Yvette Le Noah Parker Virginia Quist
PRINTING Burke Group
news & views is published four times a year by the Alberta Retired Teachers ’ Association ( ARTA ).
To change your subscription or move to a digital subscription , call the ARTA office or email marketing @ arta . net .
To contact the editor , write to nveditor @ arta . net .
Contributions to news & views are welcome . They may be sent to nvsubmit @ arta . net .
Read the submission guidelines at arta . net / link / nvguidelines .
Deadline for submissions to the Colours issue is July 20 , 2024 .
To advertise in news & views , contact marketing @ arta . net . Rate Sheet arta . net / link / nv-media-kit
For specific ARTA inquiries , see arta . net / contact .
Telephone : 780-822-2400 Canada only : 1-855-212-2400 Fax : 1-780-447-0613 Email : info @ arta . net Website : arta . net

Also In This Issue

14 Digital Gadget Help and Much More at Your Local Library
44 Kudos to a Favourite Teacher / When the Student Becomes the Teacher
47 Outdoor Living It ' s Tick Season — Beware of Hitchhikers
48 Fitness Pickleball , Anyone ?/ Another Pickler Perspective
57 Fun & Games

From Our Committees

8 Health Benefits Patented and Generic Medications in Canada
12 Wellness Heart and Sole Wellness Walks
16 Pension & Financial Wellness Reaping What You Sow
39 Governance 2024 Scholarship
50 Communications Writing Contest

From Our Partners

52 HumanaCare Nature and Well-Being : An Ode to the Out of Doors
54 Orbit Is Your Landscaping Project Covered by Home Insurance ?
ARTA supports an engaged lifestyle after retirement through member-centred services , advocacy , communication , wellness , and leadership .