news&views 2024 summer | Page 3

Where the Wildflowers Are



18 Outdoor Living Where the Wildflowers Are
22 Gardening Daylilies : The Perfect Perennial
25 Flowerful Foods
29 The World in Brush & Pen Offering Acquisition
30 Cover Story Blooming Together
33 Never Underestimate 34 Through the Lens
38 Spirituality & Wellness When Flowers Take Power

25 Flowerful Foods

40 Travel Benvenuto at Butchart Gardens
43 Calgary ’ s Shakespeare Garden : Labour of Love

When Flowers Take Power


Regular Contributions

5 From the President 7 From the Editor 11 From the Branches

On the Cover

Lorna McIlroy stands amongst the flowers at the St . Albert Botanic Park . Read more on page 30 .
Photo by Virginia Quist
28 ARTA Bulletin Board 55 In Memoriam 56 ARTA Bookshelf 58 From the CEO