The Camino , a Path to Empowerment
Delia McCrae Article and Photos
Walkers & cyclists share the path
Crossing a stream in Galicia , Spain ; walking poles came in handy
When I turned 71 , I decided it was time to walk the Camino de Santiago , something I thought I ’ d do much earlier in life but never did .
People from all over the world — since at least the ninth century — make pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia , Spain , throughout the year .
Early pilgrims trekked there to reduce their time in purgatory . Today ’ s pilgrims go for many , often deeply personal reasons : to find spiritual peace , escape from work or life stresses , cope with grief or difficult life circumstances , or spend time with friends and loved ones . Walking the Camino is a journey with many rewards and can be a powerful , transformative experience .
To prepare , I talked to friends who had walked the Camino , then attended a Canadian Company of Pilgrims workshop in Victoria . There , I met Camino enthusiasts happy to share experiences in person , by email , and on training walks . Members of Camino Facebook groups discussed various aspects of the walk , and some even posted photos .
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