news&views Winter 2024 | Page 20

Grounding for Seniors :

Enhancing Quality of Life

Jane Thrall

Growing up , grounding was a punishment that my parents used when I was a particularly non-compliant adolescent .

Let ’ s just say that I spent a significant number of hours confined to my bedroom while “ thinking about what I did .”
While I ’ m sure that this original form of discipline still exists , I now practise an entirely different , and more satisfying , type of grounding . And frankly , being confined to the solitude of my bedroom is no longer a punishment .
Grounding , sometimes known as sense foraging , is a technique that helps foster mindfulness . It encourages greater awareness of your present experiences and surroundings . Mindfulness , a skill based in Buddhist tradition , has become increasingly popular in modern culture . Simply put , it focuses on anchoring oneself in the present moment while releasing worries about the past and anxieties about the future .
Grounding is particularly effective in moments of distress , helping individuals regain a sense of control and calm . It helps reset that part of the brain ( the limbic system ) that causes anxiety in high pressure situations .
Many people are victims of circular thinking , rumination , and worry . I find that bedtime is when my mind especially likes to wander over the events of the day and relive previous conversations . I may find myself worrying about an upcoming task or event or that I ’ ll altogether forget to do something important .
Thankfully , there are techniques that can reduce anxiety , stress , or overwhelming emotions . Grounding exercises often involve focusing on sensory experiences ( e . g ., touch , sound , sight ) to bring awareness back to the current moment . This reduces the probability of rumination that , in contrast , focuses on past events or future concerns .
Begin with an awareness of the body . Notice how your body feels , particularly where it makes contact with the ground , chair , or bed . Feel the energy move about your body . As you relax , imagine the energy connecting with the ground through those contact spots .
If that ’ s difficult , try picking up an object and feeling it in your hand . Feel the smoothness of a polished stone or the roughness of a piece of bark . Focus on the sensation of touch and again try to imagine your energy flowing into the object .
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