news&views Winter 2023 | Page 5

From the President

Deb Gerow | President , ARTA

The Best Christmas Gift I Ever Received Was a Cookbook

If there were prizes awarded for choosing Christmas presents , my mother would have been a gold medal winner . She was observant , and every year she found perfect gifts for everyone on her list . Sometimes they were things you hadn ’ t even realized you were wanting , like the ski equipment I received when I was 10 . ( I nearly knocked over the Christmas tree in my excitement when I saw the skis standing there in the corner .) At other times , it was something you had been longing for , like that perfect winter jacket you had noticed in a store but knew your parents couldn ’ t afford . When you saw what was inside your package , you knew it was what you had been hoping to receive .
It was a mystery how she made those perfect choices . For many years , Mom must have spent hours shopping , looking for the right things to delight her offspring . Sometimes , she created the gifts herself , like my sister ’ s Sleeping Beauty doll bed and handsewn wardrobe that she somehow found time to make . In their later years , my parents moved to an area where options were more limited . Despite this and even though Mom ’ s energy for shopping expeditions was declining , she continued to find or create those special things .
A few years ago , my sister and I and all of our children received similar packages . When they were opened , each of us found a special cookbook that Mom had put together containing many of our family ’ s favourite recipes . I ’ m told that younger people don ’ t use cookbooks these days , preferring to just find cooking ideas online , but I must tell you that Mom ’ s book was the best gift ever .
When I leaf through the book , I find items which bring back very fond memories . Some recipes instantly remind me of the aroma of that item cooking , like my mother ’ s chili sauce that my father loved so much . I remember the refreshing taste of Fort William Country Club Punch — so good
on a hot summer ’ s day . My grandmother ’ s special pancake recipe is included . Some things that we used to make often , I had forgotten about , and I hunger to try them again now . The recipes are not only there , but also the names of people who originally shared them with Mom . Seeing those names reminds me of them , of stories about how they were part of our lives , and sometimes how the recipe came to be shared .
As we approach the holiday season , I sometimes feel stressed because things can get so busy . I know that I am not a master of gift shopping like my mother was , but I do my best , and that must be enough . I love to spend time with my family cooking those special items which have become family traditions . Our grandchildren , especially the younger ones , enjoy being part of this , so once again this year , I will take Mom ’ s special gift off the shelf . We will open it to a favourite recipe and get busy cooking as we make memories together .
Best wishes to you and your family ,
news & views WINTER 2023 | 5