news&views Winter 2023 | Page 33

Community Fridges
A community fridge is like a Little Free Library for food . Communities such as Lethbridge and Cochrane offer at least one community fridge where anyone is welcome to put in — or take out — nutritious , non-perishable food . Also known as community pantries , freedges , or food sheds , their wish lists differ . If they have an actual refrigerator , then bread and produce might be welcome . Check first .
Volunteers stock the shelves and generally maintain the fridge space . If you ’ re an artist , the community fridge committee might appreciate a cheerful mural !
ARTA member Cathryn Gilham ( right ) loves working at the Pioneer Museum Tea House , Stony Plain .
Meals at Shelters
Shelters for unhoused people often need help at mealtime . At Inn from the Cold in Calgary , for example , volunteers prepare and serve meals to families experiencing homelessness . At the Drop-in Centre and at the Mustard Seed , volunteers offer the same help to adults without children .
Look online for similar opportunities in your community , such as Operation Fruit Rescue in Edmonton or the Okanagan Fruit Tree Project .
Food From Your Garden or Your Kitchen
How are you ever going to eat all of the carrots in your garden ? ( Don ’ t even ask about the zucchini !) If you find yourself with a surplus crop , you can ask if the food bank needs it . You might even start the growing season by planting a row or two , intentionally , to donate to a cause .
Don ’ t forget that charity begins at home . Your next-door neighbour might be grateful for some washed produce from your garden . Someone going through a bad time might appreciate help in their own garden or a cooked meal . You could make this as sporadic or as regular as you like . ( But be prepared for a “ no thank you ” — not everyone wants a neighbour ’ s assistance .)
Volunteer Details
Volunteering anywhere could require a formal , written application , a police check , or a certain time commitment . Also , a place might have all the volunteers it needs , for now . If you cannot give your time , you might donate money or the gift of nonperishable food ( look online to see what they need ). Even supporting them on social media is helpful .
Sheila Bean taught with the Calgary Board of Education for seventeen years — retiring just before COVID-19 . She still dabbles in teaching and writing .
news & views WINTER 2023 | 33